Sunday, September 14, 2014

I chose to read an article in the Texas Tribune "Van de Putte Calls For Higher Minimum Wage". This article being mainly about approaching ways to make the economy better caught my attention. Van de Putte running for Lieutenant Governor says “We know that people who live off of minimum wage live a poverty-ridden life." This is true for some people that do work for minimum wage I believe it is very hard to afford expenses in Texas, and most hardly getting by. With Texas being so populated it makes it harder to find jobs and forces people to settle for minimum wage or slightly more. Being that the minimum wage is so low at $7.25 per hour it does hurt portions of the economy. Van de Putte states that if there is a raise in minimum wage the economy will be of higher quality “Raising the minimum wage is good for the economy.” I would suggest this reading to people because it offers good information on what is going on today in the economy, and who is running to make the changes needed in Texas.

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