Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I read my colleagues blog "Dram shop act" I found this piece to have a very interesting topic in which i was not informed. The bartender being blamed for someone having too many drinks is ridiculous in my opinion. I agree with my colleague, how is the bartender supposed to know how many drinks one person has had in a club full of different faces? Everyone is responsible for themselves drinking and then getting behind the wheel is a huge risk. The person that night on Halloween knew that drinking and driving was against the law and knew the risk he was taking or maybe not because he chose to drink until he was hammered. If you know you are going out to have fun, party and drink you should have either a designated driver or call a cap. Someone knows when he or she is not in full focus to get behind the wheel of a vehicle no one is forcing you to drive your self-home after a long night of partying. For the person to try and file charges against the bartender after getting in to a car wreck is simply irresponsible and not take responsibility for your own actions. I do not think the bartender should have lost his certification or received fines, I think it is entirely on the drunk person behind the wheel and that they should have served some jail time for making the irresponsible decision.

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